Metal Cyclone Unit#47 - Battle Cats Custom Edition v13.1.4

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Metal Cyclone Unit#47 - Battle Cats Custom Edition v13.1.4

Metal Cyclone is the unit of the battle cats custom edition as metal unit.

General Information

Complete Calculations

Original Stats (this is the stats at 100% buff)
HP/DMG at lvl 1 (aka Base HP/DMG): [🔋2,127 hp / ⚔️170 dmg]
each lvl (+758 hp / +60 dmg.)

2127-hp | 170-dmg
HP/DMG at (max lvl. 130) (aka Final HP/DMG): 🔋100,000 hp / ⚔️8,000 dmg

100000-hp | 8000-dmg
Cooldown (max ~ low) | DPS: ⏰ 0 ~ ⏰ 0 seconds / 🖼️0 ~ 🖼️0 frames | 200.
Cost (max ~ low): 💰3,500 ~ 💰2,300 | Rare Cats
Buffed (increased/decreased) Stats at (100%)
HP/DMG at lvl 1 (aka Base HP/ 1stDMG): [🔋2,127 hp / ⚔️170 dmg]
each lvl (+758 hp / +60 dmg.)

2127-hp | 170-dmg
HP/DMG at lvl 1 (aka Base HP/ 2nd DMG): [🔋2,127 hp / ⚔️0 dmg]
each lvl (+758 hp / +60 dmg.)

2127-hp | 0-dmg
HP/DMG at lvl 1 (aka Base HP/ 3rd DMG): [🔋2,127 hp / ⚔️0 dmg]
each lvl (+758 hp / +60 dmg.)

2127-hp | 0-dmg
HP/DMG at (max lvl. 130) (aka Final HP/ 1st DMG): 🔋100,000 hp / ⚔️8,000 dmg

100000-hp | 8000-dmg
HP/DMG at (max lvl. 130) (aka Final HP/ 2nd DMG): 🔋100,000 hp / ⚔️0 dmg

100000-hp | 0-dmg
HP/DMG at (max lvl. 130) (aka Final HP/ 3rd DMG): 🔋100,000 hp / ⚔️0 dmg

100000-hp | 0-dmg
Cooldown (max ~ low) | DPS: ⏰ 0- ~ ⏰ 0- seconds / 🖼️0 ~ 🖼️0 frames | 200.
Cost (max ~ low): 💰225- ~ 💰100- | Rare Cats

Complete Stats

General Informations: HP 2,127 / HITBACKS 2 / SPEED 4 / RANGE 120 / COST 800 / COOLDOWN in seconds 30 / MAX LAYER 9 / 
Abilities: AREA ATTACK FLAG 1 / INSANELY TOUGH FLAG 1 / CONJURE (ID of spirit) [729, 732] -1 / 
Effective Traits: Red 1 / Floating 1 / Black 1 / Metal 1 / Traitless 1 / Angel 1 / Alien 1 / Zombie 1 / Metal Unit Flag 1 / Relic Flag 1 / AKU Flag 1 / 
Immunity: Wave Immunity Flag 1 / KB Immunity Flag 1 / FREEZE Immunity Flag 1 / SLOW Immunity Flag 1 / WEAKEN Immunity Flag 1 / 
Output: 2127,2,4,170,0,120,800,900,0,320,1,0,1,1,0,9,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0


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