PTC NoXPCF Update v14.2.2 The Battle Cats Mod New Update! Added 100M DL Ticket in the Shop (15 pcs for 1 cat food) Fixed Love Letter item in the Shop (15 pcs for 1 cat food)…
VERY BIG UPDATE v14.3! - The Battle Cats (Overview) LIMITED CONTENT! Unfortunately, this feature is currently not available in the English version of The Battle Cats . Please don't add in any unof…
Greater Balrog Cat as Enemy Unit#644 - Battle Cats Custom Edition The Greater Balrog Cat is a mythical, fantastical creature often associated with the world of fantasy fiction, inspired by both the formidable Balro…
Baki Collab in the version v14.3! // 「範馬刃牙」コラボイベント開催決定! \\ (;゚Д゚)ムキムキ!? TVアニメ「範馬刃牙」と「にゃんこ大戦争」のコラボが3月27日(11:00)から開催決定にゃ! コラボ限定のガチャやステージが登場予定! 地上最強を決める戦いが始まるにゃ~!
Battle Cats 【ver14.3アップデート近日予定✨】 追加予定の新しい第4形態キャラ「聖魔探偵ゼログラヴィティー」を紹介するにゃ! 戦いの果てに自身の出生の謎を解明した超人探偵にゃ! 進化で波動が遠くに届くようになり超賢者特効を取得!さらに波動ダメージを無効化! 天翼の力が覚醒…!?
198 Special Experience Accounts for FREE! These are the special experience accounts I made that is excess, but every codes still works! Please know the following specs for this account: vers…
PTC Battle Dogs v14.2.2 Update Disclaimer : These units are custom! I know break the rule by adding cutom units in the battle dogs, well i can remove them later if you want to! New…
PTC Nova Pro Update v14.2.1 Nova Pro New Update version v14.2.1! Added new unit: Glacial OST (Ice) Added unit drop in (Sea of Tuna) Stories of Legends (last stage) Disclaimer !…
Mr. Sage Puffington Unit#622 - Battle Dogs In The Battle Cats , Mr. Sage Puffington is a rare cat unit that brings a mix of humor, style, and utility to your army. His design is quite unique,…
Stardust Ultralan Pasalan Unit#34 (True Form) - Battle Dogs In The Battle Cats , Stardust Ultralan Pasalan is a rare and powerful unit with a distinct appearance and impressive abilities. It is a variant of t…
[ACCOUNT Request] Report This is just a report. The top 3 most requested accounts are: Best Experience Top 1 Battle Cats Account Best Experience Special Experience Premium Ac…
Glacial OST (Ice Trait) Unit#98 [Nova Pro Mod] In The Battle Cats , Glacial Ost is a special variant of the standard Ost character. Glacial Ost is a rare cat that belongs to the "Catman"…
PTC NoXPCF Update v14.2.1 New Update!! In the version v14.2.1 of noxpcf we have added two cat drop units such as catburger and pumpcat. Finish the 3rd and 4th stage of #5 Cat …
Battle Cats SB Mod Fixed Update v14.2.1 - Mediafire Download (NO ADS)! The Battle Cats SB Mod Update v14.2.1 Fixed! Do you want to play a battle cats mod where everything is in the shop, cateyes, tickets, catfruits, se…
The Battle Cats - Kaoluga Multiverse? If any of you can find this pack, please tell me i will add in nova pro :D
PTC Battle Dogs Update v14.2.1 - Mediafire Download Welcome to the battle dogs update v14.2.1 . This is the first update of battle dogs in the official version v14.2 ! In this update we are doing some …
Raging Bahamut New Ability [Strengthen] Unit#25 - Battle Dogs Raging Bahamut Cat deals massive damage, enough to shred most units with under 320 range (including Cameraman Cat and Sadako Cat), but has a long en…
Li'l Doge Dodge Chance Increased Unit#621 in Battle Dogs Li'l Doge's time-travelling grandchild possesses negligible health and damage like its grandfather. However, it has a relatively high moveme…
Sir Rel Added Mini Wave Unit#49 - Battle Dogs Sir Rel has 2/3 as much health as Relic Doge and a strong, single-target attack dealing 12,500 damage per hit as well as a 100% curse effect. He&#…
The Battle Cats SB Mod Official Fixed Update v14.2 - Mediafire Download The Battle Cats SB is the far most balance mod in the battle cats game. It has many items in the shop that is purchaseable with cat food, you can bu…
The Battle Cats CE 14.2.A Reveal Hi, Bahamut Tank here! Today i'll reveal you about the next update of CE The first one, date release: 12~14/03/2025 That you knew, 14.2 released…
2nd Week Schedule [March 2025] My tasks for this whole week is the following: Update all EN Account Configurations to version v14.2 Update Battle Cats Mod (Monday) Update Battle Do…
UnitXP Mod Official - Free APK Download App Name: PTC UnitXP Latest Version: v14.2.2 Last Updated: March (2025) Publisher: Ponos Requirements: Android 4.4 Category: Mods Size:…
NoXPCF NoUp Mod Official - Free APK Download App Name: PTC NoXPCF NoUp Latest Version: v14.2.2 Last Updated: March (2025) Publisher: Ponos Requirements: Android 4.4 Category: Mods …
All PTC Battle Cats Mods Update v14.2 [EN] — Free Direct Download (.apk) Battle Cats Mods are the variation of battle cats aside from the original download, adding custom units, enemies, store and stages in the game! Been…
PTC Battle Dogs v14.1.1(J) - Mediafire Download Battle Dogs new update! Tomorrow prior to this date, all ptc mods will be updated to v14.2 ! Official update from Ponos . PTC Mods are the battle c…
[LR] Guardluga Pasalan Unit#448 - Battle Dogs v14.1.1J Guardluga Pasalan is a powerful Legend Rare Cat in The Battle Cats . It is an evolution of Guardluga and part of the Nekoluga family, which is know…
[TRANSFERRED] Ribbo Enemy as Rare Unit#408 - Battle Dogs (v14.1.1J) Ribbo has been added in the battle dogs in the first in the version 12.5 , and has been buffed in version v14.1.1 . In this update, we have removed …
PTC Nova Pro v14.1.1(D) - Mediafire Download (No ADS) Disclaimer : Bugs might persists! If bugs happens, please email me: Nova Pro is a battle cats mod that features OP units…
[UR] Sorcerers Cat Unit#687 (Nova Pro Mod) Sorcerer Cat is a Rare Cat in The Battle Cats , part of the Magical Cats series. It has a magical and mystical theme, with a design that showcases …
[SR] Trolly Cyber Unit#40 (Nova Pro Mod) Trolly Cyber is a rare cat unit in The Battle Cats , known for its unique design and abilities. It is part of the Cyber Cats series and has a futuri…
[UPDATE] Battle Cats CE v14.1.1(C) - Mediafire Download Good day Catters! What's up??? Today's update in the battle cats CE v14.1.1(C). It has been a very long time since the last update of battle…
[NERFED] The Cat General Unit#15 - Battle Cats Custom Edition The Cat General Nerfed! Nerfing does not mean lowering down the health or damage, it sometimes involves the stats! So I will be increasing cooldown f…
[FIXED LONG RANGE] Ronald Mcdonald Enemy Unit#37 - Battle Cats CE Ronald Mcdonald Enemy Stats Fixed Ronald McDonald is a unit in battle cats custom edition and has a bug from previous version of its long range abil…
[NERFED] army Unit#9 - Battle Cats CE army unit in battle cats custom edition - nerfed! Army is a unit in battle cats custom edition and got nerfed due to its OP abilities. It is a ver…
[NERFED] Golden Moai Unit#17 - Battle Cats Custom Edition Golden Moai got Nerfed in Battle Cats CE Golden Moai will be nerfed since it is too OP! Knockback chance will be set to 5% Cooldown will inc…
[STAGE] Wonders of the Dead — Battle Cats Custom Edition Wonders of the Dead Stage The sixth stage of the The Deadly Resort Map ( Stories of Legends ) , wherein you will fight eight enemies, combining trai…
[STAGE] Spa of Ascension and Hell — Battle Cats Custom Edition Spa of Ascension and Hell Stage The fifth stage of the The Deadly Resort Map ( Stories of Legends ) , wherein you will fight eight enemies, combinin…