PTC Battle Dogs Dictionary [All Battle Dogs Enemy Profiles]

Welcome to PTC Battle Dogs Dictionary! You can see all the units datas here and their rarity. Enjoy being here! Select a tab to see the units.

Useful definition.

  • Speed: Higher the value more faster. (1-5 = slow) (6-10 = normal) (11 and above = fast)
  • Frames: 30 frames = 1 second. 300 frames = 10 seconds.
  • Cooldown: Base from the stats calculator, cooldown is based on DPS, wherein the ability to spawn unit in the battle depends on how much it produces damage. It must be balance. Higher cooldown units are the units with most damages.
  • Cost: Cost depends on how much health of the unit. The lesser the health, the cheaper the cost.
  • Effective Flags: These are the traits of enemy which the abilities will work such as knockback, slow, freeze, warp and more. Note that these abilities produces 0 damage, that's why it has effective flags.
  • Range: The higher the range, the higher the aim of the unit.
  • Attack Type: Most of the units are area attack, which means all enemies within the area of range takes damage from a single attack. There's two types of distance attack such as omnistrike and long distance. Omnistrike hits the enemies in front and in back. Long distance hits the enemies in front and further front, which misses the near enemies.

Legend Rare

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Original HP/DMG
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HP/DMG at level 1. Please choose a unit first.
HP/DMG at max level. Please choose a unit first.
Cooldown | DPS Please choose a unit first.
Cost | Rarity Please choose a unit first.
Speed Please choose a unit first.
Knockbacks Please choose a unit first.
Range Please choose a unit first.
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Effective Flags Please choose a unit first.
Walking Animations
Attack Animations
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