Request Custom Unit to be added in Battle Cats CK

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The Battle Cats CK

Request Custom Unit to be added in Battle Cats CK

This mod is indeed great! This was made by my friend CuteLittleCat. We have a good time together learning how to mod. We share ideas and he come up with these. He can even change the background and some stuff which i couldn't. I think it is good to keep this work on my website as part of good mod works. Thanks CuteLittleCat!


The mod will take its continues update with new units and or stages according to your requests. The update will happen weekly according to the number of requests. Each update will be uploaded with a video showing new things in the game.

Units Eligible

For now there's a very little restriction regarding eligibility of which units are acceptable. As long as you provided me the bcu pack with a password, then i can probably copy it out from Battle Cats Ultimate (BCU) and add it on the battle cats CK mod. 


The above video shows the example of a battle cats ultimate pack. If you can provide the password of that pack, then it would be easy for me to add these units.

Some unit may not possessed ability of enemies such as Toxic, Revive, Burrow and more. 

Consider changing these abilities with some related one, for example: toxic = savage blow.

Item in the Store

The items in the store wherein for sale will be limited, since NoXPCF owns the title for having a free store in the battle cats. You can still request items to be added, but I will treat it less priority.

Enemy Eligible

Currently, there will be no custom enemies for the battle cats CK.

Custom Stages

Well I could add some custom stages to the game, pertaining to SoL and Uncanny stages only. I can't modify the stages for Chapters 1 to 3. 

Just give me the pack of which the custom stages is created even without a password, then I will add it on the game.

Request an item drop as well!

Request Format

Make sure to follow the format when you request a unit, item or stage in the battle cats ck. I want to make everything organized and readable so I can list them all quickly on the next update.

Unit Request

Please follow the format when you request units.

BCU Pack Link:
Name of unit:

One great example: 

BCU Pack Link:

Password: FREE

Name of Unit: Infected Phono Mercer

Buff: 200%

Abilities: Original + Knockback + Warp (distance: 150-300, duration: 300f, chance: 30%)

Item Request

Please follow the format before requesting an item:

Item name:
Cat food cost:
Number of purchase:


Normal Ticket

5x cf

10x normal tickets

Stage Request

Please follow the format before requesting custom stage in the game: 

BCU Pack Link: 
Name of Stage from BCU: 
Name of Stage to replace either in SoL or UL: 
Item drop reward (% chance to drop): 


BCU Pack Link:

Name of Stage from BCU: Primate Antropoid

Name of Stage to replace: SoL > Legend Begins > Earthshaker

Item drop reward (% chance to drop): 100% cat food drop (500x)

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A Filipino loves to hack things and explore about technology. Comment this -> A Filipino loves to hack things and explore about technology.

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