The Battle Dogs Request Unit Form

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The Battle Dogs Request Unit Form

Request enemy units to be added on the PTC battle dogs!

Don't you know that you can request enemy units to be added to the PTC Battle Dogs Mod? This is for everyone to contribute in the perfection of the mod. Basically, the battle dogs has not yet completely added all enemy units, since new units appear on Ponos official update. 

Which Enemy Unit is Eligible?

Sadly, custom units or fan made units are not eligible to be added in the battle dogs, what you can only request is units that is in Ponos Enemy Dictionary.

Can I request for Custom Health and Damage?

What you're talking about is can you request to BUFF or NERF the unit? Buff means you will increase the hp and the damage by percentage, however, NERF means you will decrease the units health and the damage. 

By default, the hp and damage comes together, we will only buff them or nerf them.


If a cat unit has 1,000 hp and 200 damage and you are going to buff this unit for 300% (x3).

Then the final hp is 3,000 hp and 600 damage, you will noticed that the health and damage are quite far away, then I can't do anything with this since the stats are officially made by Ponos and said to be balanced.

How do I buff or nerf unit?

For now the PTC Dictionary for Official Enemy Lists is under construction.
You can just go to a My Gamatoto to check unit stats and buff them by percentage.

My Gamatoto

If you know the hp and damage of the unit, then you can directly go and use Stats Calculator having HP, DPS, DAMAGE and which rarity you want to put the unit.

Stats Calculator

Can I edit abilities than the original?

There are few things to consider, some enemy abilities are not available on the unit abilities such as Toxic, Aku Shield and more.

To compensate these abilities, I'm accepting a more knowledgeable and balanced in-exchange ability such as:

  • Toxic -> Savage Blow
  • Aku Shield -> Resistant Flag

If I find the requested ability to be added balanced and acceptable, then I will add them.

If the enemy unit has ability that is given for unit's abilities then no need to edit abilities for this unit.

How to Request?

In order to be formal, I need you to follow this format so I can better read and understand.

Enemy name: 
Buff by (%): 
Replacement Unit: 


Dark Emperor Nyandam
Super Rare
Bodhisattva Cat
Original + Aku Shield Breaker

Make sure the replacement unit is in first form and not yet occupied by other enemy unit!

Check if enemy exists in PTC Dogs Dictionary

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