game over Stage - PTC Battle Dogs - [Free Download] [Boss, Stage & Rewards Info]
Do you want to play a stage with all bosses, 1 boss per session? Play this game over stage made by vipasa!
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The stage feature out 10 different enemies, their traits are RED, AKU, RELIC, ANGEL, WHITE. The game will only allow 1 enemies in the battle field.
Boss: 10 bosses.
Aside from XP and other ingredients, the stage features no reward at all.
Download (pack)
Want to play this on your BCU? You can import this pack to your bcu by downloading the latest pack. For now I will be updating and will edit this post once the pack is updated.
This stage is only playable on PTC Battle Dogs v12.4.A or later version.
Finished the Stage?
Have you finished this stage? I recommend you to share your experiences and feedback on the comment section! Thanks!