daddy darest [CK Unit] #22

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General Informations

Name: daddy darest
Enemy ID: 22
Replacement: Boogie Cat
Trait: Traitless
Game: CK
Version: 12.5.C

Complete Stats
HP ~ 2560000
Hitbacks ~ 1
Speed ~ 2
Range ~ 400
Money Drop ~ 9999
Area Attack ~ 1
Knockback ~ 1
Freeze ~ 1
Black ~ 1
1st dmg ~ 1700000
1st LD ~ -500
1st Width ~ 2000
1st Att Ability ~ 1
2nd dmg ~ 100000
2nd LD ~ -500
2nd Width ~ 2000
2nd Att Ability ~ 1
3rd dmg ~ 70000
3rd LD ~ -500
3rd Width ~ 2000
3rd Att Ability ~ 1
1st foreswing ~ 189
2nd foreswing ~ 190
3rd foreswing ~ 191
Knockback chance ~ 100
Slow Chance ~ 40
Slow Duration ~ 200
Wave Chance ~ 100
Wave Level ~ 8
Surge Chance ~ 100
Surge max range ~ 4000
Surge Level ~ 7

Computer Data

If you are a modder, the data below can be helpful in using to modify the stats of this unit to your mods. Paste this to the correct index to the t_units.csv.


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