Hi all guys! So this is the battle dogs game and it is the first update for the version 12.6 of all mods. The update is a bit late for some of the requests made by our friends here. Without further do, we have added new custom unit in this update and stages.
This is the battle dogs with NO CUSTOM STAGES!
Complete Logs for the updateUnits
1-Ancient Magamojoe: buff from 100% to 300%
+Add: Curse immune.
+Change wave to level 3.
+Add behemoth slayer.
2-Archangel Exiel: buff from 100% to 300%.
+Add: wave/surge/freeze/slow/warp/toxic/curse immune.
+Add miniwave level 3.
3-Homulilly: buff from 100% to 300%, +Add surge immune.
4-Gertrud: buff from 450% to 800%,
+Add: Surge level 3(100%), spawn from ~250 to ~500 range.
+Add Soulstrike and Insane damage to only zombie.
+Add immune to: freeze, slow, knockback, weaken, toxic, wave, surge.
5-Iguanidae Ibilujon(green lizard): buff from 100% to 200%.
+Add surge immune and base destroyer.
Note that this is the same update with the original battle dogs but I removed all the custom stages here, because some people dont want custom stages that im adding in the game, so i made a new variant.
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Update v12.6.1
Update v12.6.1.B (Latest)