How to Create Battle Cats Text Font? Using Discord

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There are online battle cats similar font style. But this one is most accurate.

You need discord account to access this discord bot.

The name of discord bot is "Pack pack."

Open up your discord and search for "Pack pack"

You will see the first result shown in the screenshot.

Then you can produce two type of font,
1st is the white
2nd is the yellow.

for the white one just type the code "p!stmimage" or "p!stmimg"
Example: "p!stmimage The Battle Cats"
this will print The Battle Cats in color white.

On the other hand, the other code is "p!stimage" which will print in yellow color.
Yellow color are for stages and white colors are for maps.
Example: "p!stimage The Battle of Dogs"
This will print in color yellow.

Kindly check the screenshots for references.





PTC Reborn(Tutor)

A Filipino loves to hack things and explore about technology. Comment this -> A Filipino loves to hack things and explore about technology.

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