[Discussion] What are your expectations for version 13.4?

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[Discussion] What are your expectations for version 13.4?

13.3 came out for BCEN sooner than expected, so BCJP could potentially get 13.4 next week, roughly a month after 13.3 was released. If it's really as close as it seems, than there's no better time to make our guesses as to what it will add.

The last time I tried to predict the contents of an update, I brought up a theory about the potential third Brutal Advent Boss, the hostess bee mentioned in Queen B's Japanese description. Well, regardless of whether or not she or any Brutal Advent is added in this update, there are a lot more of of these conspicuously unseen characters that PONOS could add at any time they want, mostly discussed in enemies' Japanese descriptions:

  • Any of Dober P.D's 13 children (Li'l Dober?)
  • Tackey's dead younger brother
  • Keiko (Kid Tappa's girlfriend)
  • The other, younger member of M. Ost's comedy duo (assuming it's not just R.Ost or Golden R.Ost)
  • Mr. Puffington's wife
  • Z-Onel's beloved sons as individual enemies (Zombie Chibinel)
  • Master Uril's girlfriend
  • The beetle who led Johnnyleon's band to break up
  • Red Cerberus Kids (it would be funny if their Aku contract expired, causing them to go back to being Red)
  • Another Casaurian Ahirujo variant (according to Darkjo and Magamojoe's descriptions, there should be one more; I would expect an Alien or Aku enemy based on Blue Yian Kut-Ku or Tzitzi-Ya-Ku)
  • Infernal Tyrant Nyandam's significant other
  • Kappy Kawano's wife
  • I can't think of anything like these in cat descriptions barring Mitama the Oracle's groom.

As far as cats are concerned, the one thing I'm sure will be added in this update is another Sage Slayer, whether it be a new unit or an upgrade for an existing one. The two Sage Slayers added so far already have enemies designed for them: there's Sage of Mind Soractes and Dark Dober for Ultra Talented Nurse (Floating and Black) and Tarsiriel for Master of Mind Soractes (Angel). I presume there will be at least one Sage per trait (except maybe Metal), in which case there will have to be a new Sage Slayer with a different target trait to counter whatever the next Sage is.

If Catellite or Shigong Cat gets Talents, I could see one of them being Sage Slayer to go along with an Alien or Zombie Sage.

Anyway, what are your hopes and predictions for this update? Could this finally be the one that gives Catellite and Shigong their due? After the standard set by Ultra Kaguya, could one of the Lugas get an Ultra Form with a design based on its first form? Will the Enemy Guide be improved even further? You never really know with PONOS.