In "The Battle Cats," Gem Gory is another special enemy that players encounter in specific stages designed to reward Gems, the game's premium currency. Here’s what you need to know about Gem Gory:
1. **Enemy Type**: Gem Gory is a variant of the Gory enemy, which is a mid-tier enemy in terms of strength and appearance. It appears in stages where players can earn Gems as rewards.
2. **Appearance**: Gem Gory is visually distinct from regular Gory enemies due to its sparkling or gem-like appearance. This design signifies that defeating Gem Gory will yield Gems as part of the rewards.
3. **Purpose**: Similar to Gem Snache, Gem Gory serves the purpose of dropping Gems when defeated. These Gems are valuable in the game and can be used for various purposes such as speeding up upgrades, purchasing special items, or unlocking new features.
4. **Encounters**: Players will encounter Gem Gory in stages specifically designated for earning Gems. These stages are often part of events, special promotions, or treasure stages where the primary objective is to collect Gems.
5. **Strategy**: To efficiently collect Gems from Gem Gory, players may employ strategies that focus on dealing damage quickly and efficiently to defeat the enemy before it can inflict significant harm or escape.
Overall, Gem Gory provides players with an opportunity to obtain valuable Gems in "The Battle Cats," incentivizing strategic gameplay and resource management to maximize rewards and progress through the game.
/ Hitbacks: 2
/ Speed: 11
/ Range: 150
/ Money Drop: 999
/ Area Attack: 1
/ Immunity: Nothing.
Traits: Traitless:
/ Zombie Talents: Nothing.
Damages: 1st dmg:
/ 1st Att Ability: 1
/ 1st foreswing: 8
/ Abilities: Invincibility Chance:
/ Invincibility Duration: 10
/ Toxic Chance: 80
/ Toxic Percentage health: 30
/ Others: Nothing.
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