"Sealzibub" Enemy Unit#50 - Nova Pro v13.5.3

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**Name:** Zealsibub

**Appearance:** Zealsibub is a formidable and imposing figure, often depicted as a towering demon or dark sorcerer with a majestic yet terrifying presence. They might have a grotesque yet regal appearance, combining elements of demonic and mythical features. Their skin could be a deep, shifting shade—black, crimson, or dark purple—with intricate, glowing runes or symbols etched into their flesh. They might have large, menacing horns, bat-like wings, and a flowing, tattered cloak that seems to ripple with dark energy. Their eyes are usually fierce and glowing, adding to their intimidating aura.

**Background:** Zealsibub is a high-ranking demon or ancient dark sorcerer from a realm of chaos and torment. They are often portrayed as a ruler or commander within their dark domain, wielding immense power and commanding legions of minions. Their backstory might involve a fall from grace or a betrayal that led them to seek domination and revenge. They could be seeking to break free from their realm, conquer new worlds, or unleash a devastating curse.


1. **Infernal Wrath:** Zealsibub can unleash powerful fire and shadow attacks, dealing massive damage over a wide area. These attacks might cause lingering damage or debuffs, such as burning or corruption.

2. **Summon Minions:** They can call forth lesser demons or shadow creatures to fight alongside them, overwhelming players with numbers and creating a multi-faceted combat experience.

3. **Dark Enchantment:** Zealsibub has the ability to curse or debuff players, reducing their effectiveness in combat or causing them to turn against each other temporarily.

4. **Temporal Distortion:** They can manipulate time to a certain degree, either speeding up their actions or slowing down the player, making the battle more challenging and unpredictable.

5. **Dominate Will:** Zealsibub can temporarily control or influence the minds of weaker enemies or players, turning them against their allies or forcing them to act against their will.

**Personality:** Zealsibub is characterized by a mixture of arrogance and malevolence. They view themselves as a superior being, deserving of worship and dominion. Their demeanor is cold and calculating, with a deep-seated anger and ambition driving their actions. They may speak in grandiose, darkly poetic terms, reflecting their twisted sense of grandeur and entitlement.

**Role in the Game:** Zealsibub typically serves as a major antagonist or final boss in the game. They are often encountered in the later stages of the game, representing a culmination of the player’s journey through dark and challenging environments. Defeating Zealsibub usually requires significant strategy, skill, and preparation, as they are designed to be a formidable and multi-faceted adversary.

**Challenges:** Players must contend with Zealsibub’s powerful attacks and the additional challenge of dealing with their summoned minions. Managing the curses and debuffs they inflict, along with their time manipulation and mind control abilities, requires careful planning and adaptability. The battle against Zealsibub often involves learning and countering their various attacks and phases, making it a high-stakes and dynamic encounter.

Overall, Zealsibub is a character that embodies dark power and ambition, serving as a climactic and engaging challenge for players. Their design and abilities are crafted to create a memorable and intense experience, contributing significantly to the game’s narrative and gameplay.

General Information

Unit Name: Umbral Minion
Unit ID: 49 
Game: Nova Pro
Version: 13.5.3
Replacing unit: Metal Hippoe
Creator: Wesley2012

Stats and Details

General Informations: HP: 66666 / Hitbacks: 2 / Speed: 5 / TBA in frames: 36 / Range: 220 / Money Drop: 999 / Area Attack: 1 / 
Immunity: Nothing.
Traits: Zombie: 1 / 
Zombie Talents: Nothing.
Damages: 1st dmg: 2400 / 1st Att Ability: 1 / 1st foreswing: 6 / 
Abilities: Slow Chance: 20 / Slow Duration: 60 / Counter Surge Flag: 1 / 
Others: Nothing.
Data: 66666,2,5,2400,18,220,999,0,320,0,0,1,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,20,60,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0  

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