"Colossal Navarch" Enemy Unit#37 - Nova Pro v13.6.1

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**Colossal Navarch** is a powerful and special unit in *The Battle Cats*, introduced as part of the game’s ongoing updates and special events. Here’s a comprehensive overview of Colossal Navarch and how to use him effectively:

### **Colossal Navarch Overview:**

- **Type:** Rare Cat

- **Appearance:** Colossal Navarch typically has a grand, imposing appearance, often resembling a large, armored figure with naval-themed attire, emphasizing his role as a formidable force in the game.

- **Abilities:** His primary ability is usually centered around high damage output, particularly against tough enemies or large groups. He might have special attributes such as increased range, area-of-effect attacks, or knockback capabilities.

### **How to Obtain Colossal Navarch:**

- **Events:** Colossal Navarch is often available during special events or collaborations. These events can include themed stages or limited-time challenges where he can be earned.

- **Special Stages:** You may also be able to acquire him by completing specific stages or missions associated with his event or theme.

- **Gacha:** Sometimes, Colossal Navarch can be obtained through special gacha pulls during event periods or special offers.

### **Usage Tips:**

- **High Damage Output:** Utilize Colossal Navarch’s high damage and special abilities against powerful enemies or boss units. His strength makes him particularly useful in challenging stages where heavy firepower is needed.

- **Synergy with Other Units:** Combine Colossal Navarch with other units that complement his abilities, such as those providing support, crowd control, or additional damage, to create a balanced and effective lineup.

- **Upgrades:** Invest in upgrading Colossal Navarch to enhance his damage, range, and overall effectiveness in battles. This will make him more versatile and powerful in various scenarios.

Always check the latest updates and community guides for any changes to Colossal Navarch’s abilities, as well as optimal strategies for using him in your battles.


General Information

Unit Name: Colossal Navarch
Unit ID: 37
Game: Nova Pro
Version: 13.6.1
Replacing unit: Camelle

Stats and Details

General Informations: HP: 4444444 / Hitbacks: 2 / Speed: 3 / TBA in frames: 270 / Range: 200 / Money Drop: 9999 / Area Attack: 1 / 
Immunity: Knockback: 1 / Freeze: 1 / Weaken: 1 / 
Traits: Traitless: 1 / Behemoth: 1 / 
Zombie Talents: Nothing.
Damages: 1st dmg: 2000000 / 1st Width: 200 / 1st Att Ability: 1 / 2nd dmg: 12000 / 2nd LD: 200 / 2nd Width: 1100 / 2nd Att Ability: 1 / 2nd LD Ability: 1 / 1st foreswing: 65 / 2nd foreswing: 75 / 
Abilities: Knockback chance: 100 / Slow Chance: 100 / Slow Duration: 70 / Strengthen Activation health: 100 / Strengthen Multiplier: 50 / 
Others: Nothing.
Data: 4444444,2,3,2000000,135,200,9999,0,320,0,0,1,65,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,100,0,0,100,70,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,50,0,0,200,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,0,-1,0,12000,0,75,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,200,1100,0,0,0,1,0,0,0  

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