PTC NoXPCF Update v13.5.1 / v13.6.1 - NoUp Edition

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Good day guys, we have updated the noxpcf pretty a while ago. But now I am back and try to update it again with new features. We know that noxpcf is a mod that allows you to buy in cheaper cat food price.

Complete Logs: 

1. Legend Nets in the Shop is Fixed

2. No XP Upgrades (NoUp Edition), in upgrading the levels there's no XP amount.

3. Purple Waves - the green waves is no longer in the game hence back to the original color of the waves.

4. Opened a new Map - There's a new map in the stories of legends wherein UNIT DROPS will be held there for almost all the units :D


Downloads (7x ADS)

Please continue to support me by downloading through link terminal, by doing this I am able to update mods for battle cats forever! Thank you!

PTC NoXPCF (Original)

PTC NoXPCF (No Upgrade Edition)

PTC NoXPCF Japan (Original)

PTC NoXPCF Japan (No Upgrade Edition)

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