[PTC] Battle Dogs & Nova Pro APK (v11.10.0) — Mediafire Download

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The latest version 11.10.0 for the battle dogs and nova pro mod done by PTC Reborn. These mods (APKS) are only available on android and downloadable using mediafire.


The Nova Pro is a battle cats modified version whereas you can play custom units  by Nova Pro as your unit not disregarding their stats, model and skills. This mod was already banned from updates (Ponos banned it) and is created by Nova Pro (modder similar to KamCat). The latest and legal battle dogs version that is allowed to play is version 11.6.0. Of course, without the latest update, you will not enjoy the new character released and stages. Still you can play some events and collabs online using enemy units.

The Battle Dogs is a battle cats modified version whereas you can play enemy units as your unit not disregarding their stats, model and skills. This mod was already banned from updates (Ponos banned it) and is created by KamCat (modder similar to Nova Pro). The latest and legal battle dogs version that is allowed to play is version 11.5.0. Of course, without the latest update, you will not enjoy the new character released and stages. Still you can play some events and collabs online using enemy units.


All units from the previous versions in (11.6) was preserved to the latest version to enable collab stages and other new added units. No added custom/enemy units. The store works the same as original game, no changes was made. Thereby, all updates and news from the version 11.10 were applied to the game, such as having new units, stages and maps from 11.10 global version were inherited to these updates.

Older version
Check Battle Dogs 11.5
Check Battle Dogs 11.9
Check Nova Pro 11.6
Check Nova Pro 11.9

If you wish to download a mod, that can buy you a cat food for free,
check NOXP and NOXPCF mod here.


Before anything else, please be reminded that downloading these APKs may harm your account, so as far as possible, do not transfer your personal account on these mods, instead request hack accounts for free here.
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Click the link below to download, you will be directed to Link Portal, wait until the link is decoded, click the button and proceed to linkvertise, there bypass the ad and you will get to Mediafire.
This is to support me on my work :)
PTC Battle Dogs 11.10.0 Mediafire (.apk)/download/button
PTC Nova Pro 11.10.0 Mediafire (.apk)/download/buttonalert-success

Download Update
All Crazed Nekolugas Family stats was fixed and other nova pro units. Sorry for the problem. I can't fixed the 'Earthshaker' stage that after beating the game, you will get 1,000 cat food. I'm still trying to fix this due to 11.10 updates. Thanks for your patience.

I would like to here a lot from you, please comment down below your mod ideas so we will do it in future. If you wish to collab and become part of the website, kindly apply here.alert-warning

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A Filipino loves to hack things and explore about technology. Comment this -> A Filipino loves to hack things and explore about technology.

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