"Great Angel Chibinel" Buffed [1500%] The Battle Dogs Unit #308

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A son of Cruel Angel Clionel, this enemy is somewhat like an Angel/Colossal variant of Tackey. Like J.J. Jackrabbit, Great Angel Chibinel is buffed to 200% in Uncanny Legends, giving him the same damage as Tackey but roughly 2.7x as much health. His attack doesn't reach as far as Tackey's but hits much closer to where it triggers, making it more difficult to enter his blind spot - especially when he has a 100% chance to slow and weaken all units hit for 3 seconds. - Read more

Name - Great Angel Chibinel
Cat id - 308
Replacement - Gardener Cat
Group - Rare
Trait - Angel
Game - The Battle Dogs
Buffness (multiplied): 1500%
Appearance - Battle Dogs v12.2.3
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