"Heavenly Hippoe" Buffed [600%] The Battle Dogs Unit #82

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"Heavenly Hippoe" Buffed [600%] The Battle Dogs Unit #82

Heavenly Hippoe is one of the strongest variants of Hippoe in both health and attack power as well as attack speed and movement speed, but he doesn't move as fast as Gabriel or Angelic Gory. He tends to spawn quite often in most stages he appears in, and drops quite a bit of money upon death.- Read more

"Heavenly Hippoe" Buffed [600%] The Battle Dogs Unit #82

Name - Heavenly Hippoe
Cat id - 82
Replacement - Blue Shinobi
Group - Special
Trait - Behemoth
Game - The Battle Dogs
Buffness (multiplied): 600%
Appearance - Battle Dogs v12.3.b

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