"Ragin Gory" Buffed [200%] The Battle Dogs Unit #260

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"Ragin Gory" Buffed [200%] The Battle Dogs Unit #260

Ragin' Gory is comparable to a buffed Gory Black, with whom he shares about all features. The core difference is that Ragin' Gory has immunity to freeze, which makes Bombercat, Oda Nobunaga and the Thunderbolt Cannon useless against him. He also has slightly higher range as well as much higher health, and 2 less knockbacks.
"Ragin Gory" Buffed [200%] The Battle Dogs Unit #260
Name - Ragin Gory
Cat id - 260
Replacement - Catway
Group - Super Rare
Trait - Black, Behemoth
Game - The Battle Dogs
Buffness (multiplied): 200%
Appearance - Battle Dogs v12.3.c
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