Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn — The Battle Dogs [Unit]

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Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn [Unit]

Effective Name: Iguanidae Ibilujon
Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn — The Battle Dogs [Unit]

Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn more kaiju than chameleon, 650 is essentially a Johnnyleon, but much stronger. It has health surpassing Masked Grandmaster Cat, no blind spot, enough damage to OHKO almost any conventional meatshield, a typing that greatly reduces the number of viable counters, and immunity to Wave Attacks, Knockback and Weaken for even fewer crowd-control options, all while attacking from 400 range with Omni Strike that reaches up to 550. Indeed, rather than being a frontline tank like Johnnyleon, 650 starts as an annoying source of ranged damage from behind enemy lines, then acts as a wall to keep cats busy until more enemies come out. Its long range and slower attack rate than Johnnyleon keep it from having any pushing power on its own, but the presence of enemies with knockback abilities like H. Nah or dangerous peons like Sir Rel can cause it to advance very easily. What makes it all the worse is its Counter-Surge ability, which is capable of putting out its extreme damage much further than expected should you include Surge Attackers in your formation. 


Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn — The Battle Dogs [Unit]
Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn — The Battle Dogs [Unit]

General Details

Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn unit replacement and cat details.

  • Trait: Relic
  • Group: Super Rare
  • Replacement Cat: Cheerleader Cat
  • Unit ID: #273

Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn Stats

The stats below shows the complete abilities of the unit except that of exclusive from battle Dogs, they will not be inherited to the real game.

Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn — The Battle Dogs [Unit]

    Media Files

    You can now download the animation files of Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn and its sprite.

    Super Violent Beast Ibirujohn — The Battle Dogs [Unit]

    The media files contains:

    • Idle Animation
    • Attack Animation
    • Burrow Animation
    • Walking Animation
    • Image Cut
    • Mamodel
    • Deploy PNG
    • First Form PNG

    Download Media Files/overlay

    Download and Play Battle Dogs v12.3.D

    You can download and play these units using the mod called The Battle Dogs. Make sure to download the latest version as stated on which the units above were released. If the version is not yet available then probably the mod update is still under creation.

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