[191] Account Giveaways ([JP] Normal Accounts) - 32 Fresh Codes!

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Account Giveaways ([JP] Normal Accounts) - 32 Fresh Codes!

Battle Cats Giveaways Service has been done long way before since 2020 by Lemuel Madridejos. However, due to multiple strike to his channel, he is unable to do so. Im the one continuing the legacy of making accounts and giving them away for free.
All your progress in battle cats regardless if it is mod or the original version have been stored in the Ponos server and your transfer code is the ID. Now since i am making hack accounts, I use to make many accounts but the same account specifications for different giveaways. These may vary as regular, executive, premium accounts and so on.

Welcome to the PTC Reborn Free Account Series
Name: Best Experience
Language: JP
Version: 13.1
empire of cats UNLOCKED 
into the future UNLOCKED
cats of the cosmos UNLOCKED
All treasures UNLOCKED
story of legends UNLOCKED 1 star
uncanny legends UNLOCKED 1 star
5000 cat food
2000000 xp
x500 items
all units unlocked at level 1, 
and upgrades to ordinary level. 20+10

Before getting to the account you must complete the following step:
1. Watch the video to know the password.
2. Type the password from the video.
3. Bypass Giveaways Terminal (most likely 5x).
4. Open your battle cats app, go to settings, transfer code, and select a code from the post.

Type the password below! ("tenrec")


How to get the Code?
You need to watch the whole video from the giveaways to see the password. The password there will served to be the password in this page to unlock your way to the Code Page. Before getting to the Code page, you will bypass Giveaways Terminal Page for advertisements.

How to transfer my code?
Once you have reached to the Code Page, you will see lot of codes there, all you need to do is to get one transfer it to your battle cats game. Make sure you are transferring in the same versions! 
  • Open battle cats or mods
  • Click Settings
  • Click Resume Transfer
  • Type in the codes
Now if there's an error then the code is probably taken away.
  • That is all, please help this website by sharing the channel and joining discord to build up this community! Thanks for using this services.
A Filipino loves to hack things and explore about technology. Comment this -> A Filipino loves to hack things and explore about technology.

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