Dread Bore Unit is now currently replacing Mighty Kat-A-Pult (Iron Legion). He was the unit#699 before and now will be played as Mighty Katapult in version Battle Dogs v14.1.1.I.
Mighty Kat-A-Pult is an Uber Rare Cat that was added in Version 5.6 and can be unlocked by playing the Rare Cat Capsule during the Frontline Assault Iron Legion gacha event. True Form added in Version 8.4 increases range and area of effect. Ultra Form added in Version 13.1 increases attack power and Weaken chance to 100%, and also grants Relic targeting, more inner range, and Immunity to Toxic and Curse. Talents were added in Version 8.8. They were added to The Battle Cats Unite! in Version 1.0.6.